Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Trouble with the Curve

Ken Cannon and I just got back from a Bees game (Bees NOT looking so hot, sadly), which made me think about a movie we watched this weekend, The Trouble with the Curve.  Have you seen it?  If so, what did you think?

It's a quiet movie.  And ultimately predictable.  I liked it well enough as I watched it, but it has stuck with me, and I find myself liking it more and more in retrospect.  Not sure why exactly--maybe because I liked the world of the movie, and I liked that it was about fathers and daughters.  I might even watch it again.


radagast said...

I miss going to the games. The ballpark peanuts. The vendor yelling out "lee-mo-nade. Get your ice cold lee-mo-nade." The announcer calling the names: "Bernarrrrrdo Breeeeee-tow!" My son just out of the hospital seeing his name on the scoreboard. Chicago Dogs.

Emily said...

Just went to a Giants game yesterday. Magical.

James said...

I feel the same way about the movie as you. It speaks to the "nostalgia bone" in our soul that puts individuals over statistical models. Its the counterpunch to another good, probably better, baseball movie, Moneyball.

Unknown said...

I liked too; Justin Timberlake is a good actor. There I said it. Plus it spoke to the magic of the game.

wjmom said...

Baseball. Love. I loved Trouble with the Curve, despite my hubby telling me it was predictable and sappy. But he doesn't love the game like I do.