Saturday, May 25, 2013

Best Wishes Wilsons'

I posted this earlier on facebook, but I love it so much, I'm giving it airtime here, too.   I'm the one in the pink.  Gigi is the tall one.  I'm standing next to her brother, Phil.  She's standing next to my brothers . . . who are wearing shirts that match their socks.

We are standing on the tarmac of the old Provo airport sometime in the late 60s, bidding our neighbors the Wilsons adieu as they headed out for Pittsburgh where their dad had taken some big time job with US Steel.

It's very clear that TRQ was dressing my brothers in those days, because what boys in their right minds would pick those clothes out for themselves?  Especially those lime green shorts?

Oddly, no one beat my brothers up on our way home from the airport.

1 comment:

Louise Plummer said...

The real miracle is that she got those boys to wear matching socks.