Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I don't have a writing plan yet today. But I do have an eating plan. It involves cupcakes.


Lisa B. said...

On this French fashion blog I read, the writer observed that "champagne and cupcakes sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble." Thought you might want to figure this observation into your plans.

shelley said...

I hope it have pink frosting.

Jewel Allen said...

Ditto, Shelley.

I was just thinking of cupcakes today (my 9 year old daughter's having a birthday party on Friday). She's already told me she doesn't want any frosting on her cupcake.

Bryan Wilde said...

My wife tells me cupcakes are the big rage right now. I personally only like the frosting and toss the yucky cake part in the trash. But I think I'll stick with my sour cream blueberry pie at Marie's.