Friday, January 28, 2011

Writing exercises

So I've been going to the Poetry Daily site every morning, and then I try to dash off a quick (badly written, but that's not the point) poem of my own as a way to get the juices flowing. Anyhoo. Today's poem was called "In the Room of Glass Breasts." And I just went . . . no. Also, hell no. Didn't even bother to read the poem (which is possibly brilliant, but who knows?) because I could NOT get past many unfortunate visuals.


LucindaF said...

You're so racial against glass!

CSIowa said...

Bless you, Ann Cannon. You are light in the darkness!

Lisa B. said...

I saw that title too and went, okay, fine. And skipped to my next blog, which is about clothes. Because I'm shallow like that.

You're good to check out the poems. I have to fight off despair when I go to that site, so I'm not completely a regular. Alas.

Sarah said...

I laughed out loud at the "Also, hell no." Then I read it out to Sam. Then the little boys wondered, "Hell no? What's hell no?" I told them I was reading something about Elmo.

Hmm. Glass breasts, daily poetry - not for me.

James said...
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