Monday, August 30, 2010

Food and rainy weather

So I've lost a leetle weight this summer--and while losing weight is never easy for someone like me who stops three times on the way to Evanston for snacks, it's easier in the summer, because of all the grilling! also fruits! also vegetables! And when the sun is out there just shining shining shining away, you don't feel like eating heavy, right? And then you get lulled into this false sense of security that even when fall comes you'll just kind of keep grazing away on nuts and berries and possibly twigs.

And then one day fall comes in the shape of a major autumnal rainstorm so intense that you think the thunder is going to split your roof in two. Like this morning in Salt Lake, for example. And then you get out of bed and notice the gray sky and you think PLEASE LET ME FIND THE FIRST TROUGH FULL OF MEXICAN FOOD AND HONEY I'LL JUST FALL FACE FORWARD IN IT. And eat. And eat. And eat. Until March.

That's what I'm feeling like today. Eating until March.


Randi said...

Ann, I love you. It's raining here too and I totally flashed back to all the rainy misery of last year...Dang. Hopefully this year will be better with a little person to stay inside with! Leave Utah's crappy weather and come enjoy Oregon's this fall/winter with us!

LucindaF said...

Man, I missed your live feed or hilarious comments about the awards show.

Also, mexican food sounds good. I know of an all you can eat place. Let's go.

Sara Z. said...

I THOUGHT you were looking super sexy in your jeans when I saw you last week! Meanwhile, I'm on my second bowl of turkey chili...

wjmom said...


Erin said...

I know how you feel. I keep craving all sorts of things that will cause me to gain weight, not lose it. Sorry to hear about your back and that you won't be at the marathon.

Becca said...

Hot, white, buttered starch. For the next six months. My jeans are in so much trouble.

Lisa B. said...

WELL, for your information, I had Mexican food tonight for dinner and felt none too well afterward, all starched and peppered and beaned out (also crab), but now I am sassy and, it must be said, fat, and there you are. The day is darker? Fine, give me nachos. And a chile relleno. Also, chips and salsa and a Dr. Pepper. The end.