Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So I spent part of the day yesterday at the Alpine School District main office, meeting with a group of fabulous writing teachers, including my funny friend Chris Crowe. Chris (author of the amazing book MISSISSIPPI TRIAL, 1955) is currently into Zombie Haiku. He tossed this bit of verse off yesterday:

fresh tiramisu
a zombie delicacy
real ladies' fingers

Here's another:

"Let me pick your brain"
not a metaphorical
request from zombies

This was written by Claudia, one of the teachers in the group:

So much alike, both
Zombies and psychologists
Want inside your head.

I came up with this:

For you my dear love,
I'd give an arm and a leg,
Then watch you eat them.

Okay. Time to wrap this up. Now that I've ruined my dinner . . .


Lisa B. said...

At zombie college
spring semester I'll study

Or how 'bout

My brain parasite
fell so passionately for
your brain parasite


Excuse me! I am
not a vampire! I rule,
for I am undead.


Come live with me and
let me infest you with toxo-
plasmosa gondii!

SWILUA said...

perverse. and AWESOME.

Randi said...

Ha ha! So funny. I'd try to come up with one, but I couldn't compare! I had so much fun with you yesterday. You are too kind to me. The best Mother-in-law ever!

wjmom said...

Love it! (Too much brain power for me!)

Andria said...


Thank you for joining us! I'm so glad that you came and shared your writing expertise with us.

LucindaF said...

I must have a bite
My mouth waters for your flesh
Come close and taste death.