Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chapter Six: wherein I discuss the Edgemont Years (grades 2-5)

It's not that my childhood was totally blissful.  Childhood never is.  But I certainly knew happiness riding my bike and hiking in the foothills and cavorting around the nearby cemetery with friends.  Also, there were night games and sun and snow and dogs and cats giving birth to many kittens behind the freezer in our garage and sleepovers and Mad Magazine and Tales from the Crypt and the Sears Catalog at Christmas.  Also there was my first boyfriend, Kendell Kelly, who's pharmacist dad gave his kids drugs so they wouldn't wake up early on Christmas because Kendell's dad was NO FUN AT ALL.  Other Edgemont doings?  Kurt Apostle told me there was no such thing as Santa Claus (tragic!) and Kendell Kelly told me about "it"(really?  And also ew!) and how you had to do "it" for forty-five minutes (also tragic!) if you wanted to get a baby out of the whole process.  It was hard to look at the adults on our street for  a little while after that.


Emily said...

I somehow missed the forty-five minute memo.

James said...

Great piece of nostalgia. Night games in the neighborhood, riding bikes, sleepovers, etc., its something that I think this generation may not to fully enjoy. Either that, or I've become the reactionary old fart that thinks everything was better back in my day. Mad Magazine still makes me happy, although it was not as good as it use it to be.

One question, however, are you sure Kendell Kelly didn't say four-to-five minutes?

Lisa B. said...

I feel like I just had a wonderful montage of that period of your life. And it was awesome. I have a small residue of Pixi Stix and popcorn in my mouth, also.

word verify: subjorp. FYI.

shelley said...

I enjoyed this a lot. You know Edgemomt is the school I want my girls to go to, because they do the half day french language immersion makes me happy to imagine you in that same playground!