Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So the next time . . .

. . . I go to the store to buy toilet paper, will you remind me to buy toilet paper? And not a twelve-pack of Scott paper towels disguised as toilet paper?

Imagine my shock when I took out a roll today.

I have a history of doing this, actually. When we lived in Helsinki, I took the bus into town to buy a package of 100 disposable diapers. But I accidentally came home with a package of 100 sanitary napkins. Which were HUGE btw. Which I found disturbing.
Almost as disturbing as the fact that i went into town to buy a package of 100 disposable diapers but accidentally came home with a package of 100 Finnish sanitary napkins instead.

Not that this has a thing to do with writing anything.


Michelle Glauser said...

I have done this many times. Ha ha.

Louise Plummer said...

Huge sanitary napkins probably work pretty well as a diaper with a little duct tape.

LucindaF said...

Louise, ha!

I was also thinking how effective Scott paper towels would be vs. plain old t.p. Thorough.

The big question here is, do the paper towels look as fancy when folded to a point?

Donna Tagliaferri said...

after one has spoken of Finnish sanitary napkins nothing else needs to be said...

whirligigdaisy said...

Ah, I've been away and missed reading your blog.