Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The new me?

I came to my office this morning with a pen, a notebook, a calendar, and the fervent hope to get a handle on my life. Because you can do that with a pen, a notebook, and a calendar, right? You just have to sit there and generate goals and lists without being interrupted by Democratic candidates canvassing the neighborhood and ringing your doorbell because your son is a delegate and they want to talk to him and voila! You've got your new life all planned out!

So that's what I've been doing for an hour or so now, which is why Sara just popped her head in here and asked how my new life looks. And I told her, "A lot like my old one, actually."

What I think is interesting about this story is my touching faith in the power of paper and pen to make everything all better.


Sara Z. said...

Haha! How did you get online! Sneaky. I thought you were internet-free here....

Tiffany said...

I think I'm going to go reinvent myself. Feeling a little out of control here...

Louise Plummer said...

Yes, pen and paper is all.

Lisa B. said...

Oh, I have that very same touching faith. Sometimes I make more than one goal list, reprioritizing as it were, on the very same day. Yet here I still sit, with 19 tried-and-abandoned outfits laying in a sad, misbegotten pile at the foot of my bed, my grading ungraded, my self unimproved. Alas.

Donna Tagliaferri said...

this is why I love night time...I think maybe tomorrow is the day magic occurs. The day I wake up having been doused by pixie dust and all my inner demons exorcised with good new angelic habits installed.....and then sigh, another day comes, no pixie dust and still a need for diet coke.

LucindaF said...

Well, whatever 'me' you find, let me know so I can adjust. Since we're twins and all.