Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August Writing Goals

But first a word. Two words. Thank you. Thank you for your nice comments about the column. Y'all gave me a lift, and I appreciate that. The column runs on Saturdays, so I'll (try to remember) to post on that day.

And now! GOALS! I lay on my bed this morning trying to figure out my day and I had this realization. The rest of my August is C.R.A.Z.Y. Now I am a big, large advocate of writing no matter how nuts your life is because life is always nuts. On the other hand, I think my goals this month should reflect the choppy weeks and the ins and outs of family and guests. So with this in mind, here are my goals, which are more modest than they would have been had I posted yesterday.

1. Write 250 words M-F on the mystery.
2. Get the column in every week.
3. Bang out one or possibly two picture book manuscripts. Definitely one.
4. Desultorily (now THERE'S an adverb you don't see every day!) outline the YA mystery with plans (and hopes!) to get really busy on the thing in September.

Time to put my feet up now, after that perspiration-inducing goal-setting session.


James said...

Please share. Can't wait to read the product of your writing goals. As you write, remember that a wise man once said that success is a journey, not a destination.

Louise Plummer said...

Ann made a desultory attempt to outline a YA mystery novel.

Emily said...

Such specific writing goals. I love it. I need to do that too.

As soon as school starts.

shelley said...

I don't know what 'Desultorily' means! Love learning new words...Thanks Ann!

Donna Tagliaferri said...

wait, what am I commenting on? blogging or goals? ok, so here is the deal about blogging....I like it because it is an avenue for writing, it is a great way to keep a history...
I am not good at goals...I wonder if goals are even a good idea for me. I started drinking green smoothies...just did it every day. Suddenly my nails started growing. If my nails were better, then I know my bones are better. Now if I had made green smoothies a goal...I might not have done it. I think success needs to sneak up on me. so maybe I shouldn't make goals for my own good.