Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Strap on the old feedbag


I'm going to that dangerous place.

I'm going to that dangerous place I SWEAR I'll never go to again--that middle-of-January place where all I want to do is strap on the old feedbag and eat, eat, eat.

So far I've been able to keep (sort of) a lid on the impulse, but I knew I was in trouble yesterday morning when I stopped at Sprouts, saw a little container of alleged pain chocolat(s) (do I add that "s" to indicate plural when I'm speaking in French?) (even though, technically speaking, I am writing in French?), bought it, paid for it, and then started eating the pain chocolat(s) in the parking lot before I even made it to my car.

Oh the shame.

Also, they weren't that good.


Lisa B. said...

"alleged pain au chocolats" = hahahahahahaha

I think that REAL ones don't come in containers, even though they look tempting.

Now you've got me thinking about how I want a pain au chocolat. Let's go and get a good one.

shelley said...

January just IS that bad, Ann. Just treat yourself to genuine pain au chocolats, they DO make days better.

Dianna said...

Yes. January is the worst. Chocolate is definitely called for.

James said...

If you can't find any "pain au chocolat", I have heard 'paid au fish-tacos-at-Pedros" is quite effective too.

Emily said...

January is magical in Northern California. It's like a long Utah spring. We are not that far from Utah and I have an extra room for serious writers who will pay in pain au chocolat.