Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Life motto

My grandbaby's dad just called with this question.

Son: What's your life motto, Mom?

Me: "I work hard to remember everything in my life by what I was eating at the time."

Son: That's not the motto I was thinking of. What else?

Me: "Everything tastes better with bacon on it."

Son: YES! That's the one.

And then he preceded to tell me that Voodoo Doughnuts has just opened shop in Eugene (my grandbaby's home) and that they serve a maple bar WITH BACON ON IT.

As if a baby weren't enough to put me on the Oregon Trail . . .


Tiffany said...

Brilliant. I hope you have that in vinyl lettering, scrawled across your living room wall...

CSIowa said...

I never met my father-in-law's father, but his motto is about the only thing I know about him: "There's nothing so good a little ice cream can't make it better."

Somehow I can't ever think of this expression without recalling the reason I never met him. He died of a heart attack at age fifty. While jogging.

Moral: Eat the bacon donut, but don't run.

Anonymous said...

Hm. I think your last post was kidnapped by some ultra-conservative group who is compiling a list of anti-global-warmers. Have they sent a ransom demand yet? Just askin'. ;)

wjmom said...


Donna Tagliaferri said...

Ann!!! How are you? What? I can't hear you!! the bacon is popping too loudly...
Hey baby I grew up in a place where we had a can of BACON GREASE on the stove...used it for everything including a mask.
Don't nobody make fun of Texas...

Becca said...

So there's something to be said about remembering what you were doing in your life by the crispiness of the bacon you were eating at the time...