Wednesday, December 3, 2008

May I make another suggestion?

I was going to post today about the importance of shopping local this holiday season, but then I remembered that Sara Zarr has already done that. SO! I'm encouraging you to head on over to her snazzy (I love it so much!) website ( for a nice little discussion on the subject.

And speaking of local--if you live in the area, The King's English will host its annual Christmas party tomorrow night from 5:30-7:00. There will be books, eats, and authors. Come see us!


Bryan Wilde said...

I would come but would likely make a fool of myself again, security would arrive and my wife wouldn't let me read your column anymore. No, I think I'll keep my distance on this party. But I do love The King's English and will continue to frequent the establishment (and read your column).

Lisa B. said...

Very very good suggestion. I will try to use amazon for only the very most urgent needs (which, I'm sorry to say, when you're a procrastinator AND an impulse buyer, arise way more than you think. But I will try, really really really try.).

Sara Z. said...

I'm coming! There'd better be wine!! Everyone knows wine makes inhibitions weaken, and where inhibitions weaken, credit cards come out, local businesses benefit, the authors benefit, the drunk people are's a win-win-win!

ann cannon said...

Oh, Bryan, you did NOT make a fool of yourself. It was grand to meet you. And i've enjoyed your blog tons.

Randi said...

Hey. Sorry I didn't get back to you but your post about the King's English party reminded me. I asked my mom about sweaters and she has gotten rid of them all over the years. My dad on the other hand still has all of his...