Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Unfriending me on fb

Today while I was going through my g-mail e-mail, I saw this ad posted to the side (which, BUGS ME ABOUT G-MAIL!  Stop reading my g-mail, G-MAIL!  Who are you?  Big G-Brother?)

Anyway.  The ad.

"3 people unfriended you!  Free FB tool that shows you who unfriended you!  www.UnFriendApp.com."

Really, my jaw dropped.  And clanked loudly on my desk.  Which hurt a lot, actually.  But whatever.  That's not the point.  The point is this--what would I even do with information like that?  Send my new UnFriends snotty notes during fourth period biology class?  Get all the rest of my friends to give my new UnFriends the silent treatment during lunch hour?  Bully my UnFriends until they're begging to be my friends again so that I could turn around and UnFriend them?  In other words, are we all still in the seventh grade?

I didn't act like that then (at least I'm pretty sure I didn't), and I don't think I'll start up now.


radagast said...

Do you think Ann has cooties? Check one: ____ Yes ____ No (If no, do you think she'd go to the Stomp with me? ___)

Lisa B. said...

Well done, madam. (for the record, I checked "No" on radagast's note that he passed me in Geography.)

Emily said...

This is why I don't facebook. Also, I don't quit understand how it works. Also, I have SO MANY ex-boyfriends who would try and find me. SO MANY.

James said...

I am working on the algorithm where all "unfriend" commands go to a social networking site called "You Got Faced-Booked". People can get on and be unfriendly to each other, say terrible things about each other, tell lies about each other, or simply just be on and not be friends with those who unfriended you...Its kind of like Fox News in cyberspace.

Louise Plummer said...

I have recently learned how to "hide" some of my "friends" on FB, so that I don't see their posts. I have only done this with people I don't know. Even when I see their photos, I don't have a clue. Supposedly, they don't know I'm hiding them.

I do this because I care about my non-friends.

Kamp Kyburz said...

Funny, my sidebar ALSO says that exactly THREE people unfriended me as well!

Mystery Girl said...

Ann, those sidebar ads are a royal pain and most likely no one unfriended you. But I have to admit to hiding one or two fb friends who post political crap and in one case one who posts something every thirty seconds (!!), hiding is kinder.