Friday, February 5, 2016

What you might not want your bookseller to say to you on the telephone

One of my jobs at TKE is to call customers and tell them that their special orders have arrived.  It's great.  I put on my best silky smooth announcing voice--the one I used  over the PA system when I worked at Albertson's, informing shoppers that we had fresh donuts in the bakery--and let people know their books are waiting for them.

Anyway, I was calling on specials today when I suddenly forgot myself and almost ended a call with "I love you!"

Which would have been creepy, don't you agree?


Lisa B. said...

Well, *I* don't know, because I'm assuming that (a) I would have recognized your voice (I actually think it has happened before, that you've called me from TKE?), (b) your voice would have carried a faint aroma of donuts, even across the telephone wires, and (c) I actually DO love you, so it would have seemed fitting.

Megan Goates said...

I don't associate bookstores, accidental declarations of love, or Ann Cannon with creepiness.

shelley said...

Oh I love this! And I love you!