Monday, May 4, 2015

Some graphic novels and also a little lying for your Monday perusal

Here are a couple of Trib pieces.  I had a little help from some friends re the graphic novel story.  Thanks for that, friends!

And then I also have some thoughts about lying.  Right here!

Phew.  That was hard work, all that clicking and copying and clicking and pasting.  I think I'll go eat that slice of peanut butter cheesecake I bought at the Dodo earlier to restore my strength.

M-m-m-m-m-m-m.  Peanut butter cheesecake.


Ann said...

I think a Spanish robot is leaving messages for me. WHICH IS AWESOME!

James said...

Maybe you make a graphic novel starring replicas relogios. I like the concept of a graphic novel, and i read a couple of Dick Tracy books that were in a sense graphic novels when I was a kid, but I have not read a graphic novel in ages. I guess it like I keep telling myself, "I am far too educated, sophisticated, and pro-active to wast my time with a graphic novel...too good looking too."

Megan Goates said...

You used "bivouac" as a verb, which is just another reason why you are the cat's pajamas.