Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Does this mean I've been in Primary too long?

I teach Primary on Sundays, and it's a good place for me because as anybody who has spent any time with me knows, I am pretty much a ten year-old boy at heart.

However, I'm wondering if I need a break.  I offer this little story as evidence.

Yesterday I taught the story about Jesus and the Ten Lepers (NOT LEOPARDS, KIDS!  GET IT RIGHT!) and we did a little impromptu dramatization.  They dictated a script to me and I wrote it down, then made copies for them.

When I handed them the copies they complained that they couldn't read my handwriting.  They were all, "Your handwriting sucks, Teacher."  And in my heart I was all, "My handwriting sucks?  Well YOU suck."

And then in my heart I went even further.  "How much do you suck?  You guys can't even drive.  You have to get your moms to drive you to soccer practice."

And then in my heart I thought, "Yup, Ann.  You're officially crazytown now."


Amelia said...

That is the best thing I have heard all day.

Lisa B. said...

The kids. They are heartless. The other day, a grandchild got into the back seat of my car and told me I really needed to clean it up.

Lauren said...

They were supposed to say, "your handwriting sucks, SISTER CANNON". No respect these days...

Lauren said...

They were supposed to say, "your handwriting sucks, SISTER CANNON". No respect these days...

Louise Plummer said...

I have been imagining the story of Jesus and the ten leopards; how they had a traveling circus that was popular throughout Judea.

James said...

I would lay odds that your handwriting was equal to, if not better than, anything those stinky, pre-pubescent XY-ers could write.

sadie said...

This is probably the best thing I've ever read. Also, you really should work on your handwriting.