Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mayan Calendar

This morning when I first woke up I thought, dude.  I hope the Mayans were right.  It would be AWESOME if the world ended on the 2lst of this month.  I wouldn't have to worry about paying off my VISA.

But that's just my Winter Brain talking.  After all these years I know if I get up and start engaging with my day I'm gonna feel a LOT better in a hurry.  Which I did this morning.  I did my walk with Kathy and Nancy, and I took pleasure in the fact that I could smell the snow.

Seriously, I track my life with my nose and snow has its own scent--all peppery and sharp.  And it's enjoyable enough to me that halfway through my walk I was able to say, "BACK OFF, MAYANS" and really mean it.


James said...

I thought it was great planning on the part of the Church that there is one last lesson in the Priesthood/Relief Society manual before the end of the world. I hope to smell some snow later this month...the peppery and sharp kind, not the illegal kind.

Unknown said...

Somewhat unrelated, but did you know that Bath & Body Works has a Fresh Snow scent? And it smells pretty darn good.

shelley said...

My birthday is on the 21st. I hope the world ends, just after my cake.

Lisa B. said...

I love the snow-world, even thought it coincides with dark-world. Keeping things in balance, I guess. I like your dispatches from Winter. Keep 'em coming!