Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Apparently I lied

. . . because here I am, not waiting to blog until after the New Year.  See, that's how we can get me to blog regularly.  Attempt to restrict me.  And then I'll just blog, blog, blog.

Anyway, I wanted to say that TRQ has been an absolute champ during this whole ordeal with the Coach.  She's been at his side non-stop, and at this point I am more worried about her than I am about him.  This morning she left the hospital at about 5:00 a.m.  She told me she wanted to go home and have a smoke.

Okay.  TRQ does NOT smoke.  But I love that she said this.  And if she wanted to take up smoking to relieve her stress right now, I would say carry on, TRQ.  You're the best.


wjmom said...

Sending my love today!

Lisa B. said...

I love that remark, too. Your folks are both originals--awesome.

Emily said...

I love The Rodeo Queen. Prayers for you and your family.

shelley said...

I've been really worried about your family. Thinking about you and your parents. You're in the Williams' family prayers!

Melody said...

God save the Queen. And the coach. Here's another little prayer for your fam.