Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Funny how . . .

something that's NOT supposed to be a compliment sometimes turns out to be HA-YOOGE compliment.

Case in point. Two weeks ago I wrote a column about our fabulous Utah authors, and a reader told me that I'm nothing more than an overly enthusiastic eighth-grade reading teacher. I think he meant that to sting (?), but all I could say was THANK YOU, because I love eighth-grade reading teachers. Especially the enthusiastic ones.

Reading (not for children) IN THE GARDEN OF BEASTS today. It's told in real time, so you feel like you're watching Berlin slipping toward its destruction, only Berlin doesn't know it yet. True life horror story.


Kallie said...

I often tell Joshua that if I could end up just like you (with a great husband, 5 amazing kids, a way impressive writing career, knowledge about sports and a great sense of humor) I would be incredibly happy. I look up to you so much Ann! You rock! Way to take a complement (:

radagast said...

My eighth grade teacher? Mrs. Monson. The reason I became an English teacher? Mrs. Monson. And you're EVEN cooler than she was, Ann!

CSIowa said...

I don't even know where to begin with my kids' eighth-grade reading teacher. She is amazing!