Monday, February 14, 2011

With a nod to Valentine's Day

So what are your fave love songs? Including fave love-gone-wrong songs? (I was thinking about this as I ran in Liberty Park this morning, listening to "Now That It's Over" by Everclear--a clearly awesome breakup song. Love love LOVE how angry it is.)

Anyhoo. Thinking of you all. Hoping your day is a good one.


Lisa B. said...

One (only one!) of my all time faves is Stevie Wonder, "I Believe (When I Fall In Love With You It Will Be Forever)." I defy anyone to listen to that song and not feel uplifted. In fact, I am going to listen to it right now.

James said...

Ring of Fire by, among others, June Carter Cash, and sung by Johnny Cash. I love the line:

"The taste of love is sweet,
when hearts like ours meet."

A great sad love song is Silver Wings by Merle Haggard:

Silver wings
Shining in the sunlight
Roaring engines
Headed somewhere in flight
They're taking you away
And leaving me lonely
Silver wings
Slowly fading out of sight

Sarah said...

U2 - "With or Without You"

Sarah + Sam + West High Dances + U2 = True Love Always!

radagast said...

"What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?"

Anne said...

Never Saw Blue Like That by Shawn Colvin

Bob the Woodworker said...

I'm wondering why blogger-Ann's favorite "love song" is an awesome angry breakup song and that she Love Love LOVEs how angry it is.