Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Poems and other matters

Last night in my book group we reviewed Garrison Keillor's anthology GOOD POEMS and there were a few people in the group who just were not feeling the poetry love. Which is fine. We all have our individual tastes. Like I was saying to Sara Z the other day, I feel like the last American standing who has NOT read THE HUNGER GAMES. Why? Because I'm just not a fan of dystopian fantasy. So there you have it.

Still. What I realized last night is how much I love poetry, how nourishing I find it, how happy I am that people write and share it. My world would be a more dimly lit place without it. So carry on, my poet friends. You make me glad.

Meanwhile, the fish still lives. Oh yes. The fish lives on.


Louise Plummer said...

I like Garrison's choices. We read aloud from this book quite a bit and it makes us happy. I don't think I've heard of any other book club that takes on poetry. That alone is a sign that the world is not yet ending.

Jenny said...

Fear not! I haven't read The Hunger Games either. I'll get around to it one of these days. I have a stubborn streak that keeps me away from things the whole universe is suddenly gushing over. (It took me a year to get on the Harry Potter bandwagon.) Admittedly, it's to my detriment sometimes.

LucindaF said...

I hate food. And hunger, because it makes me eat food. Which I hate. Especially good tasting food. It's like chocolate covered rat poison.
It's like the Dr's say, hey you stupid rat, why do you keep eating the poison? And I say, because, stupid Dr., I can't live without carbs that turn to sugar. And I can't live with them. One is quick death. One is longer quick death.

So there, and the end. Except for a p.s. about The Fish. Good job, fish.

Anonymous said...

I wake up every morning to Garrison Keillor reading me poetry. I can't think of a more perfect way to start the day. I so admire writers who can capture life's essence in just a few lines.

I haven't read "The Hunger Games" either.They sound dangerously addictive, so like any good addict, I know it's best to just abstain.

BBB said...

I love poetry as well. Have you read much Billy Collins? He's my favorite. I got to hear him read a few years ago at the Salt Lake Library. Wonderfully funny and thoughtful.

DylanE said...

Hate to burst your bubble but do you remember how you found that poem book so boring that you had to buy a Star magazine when you were with me?

Louise Plummer said...

Dylan, ha ha ha ha.

shelley said...

Its so liberating to hear someone else loves poetry. I am not sure I've ever actually told anyone because the reaction is almost always the same, and it isn't a good one. Poetry rings true to me in different ways than any other literature and my life would be different without it!
My best friend Holly said Hunger Games is just everyone's junior high school deepest desires put into a book. I haven't read it. I just don't need it.