Sunday, February 13, 2011


So, okay, it's not Christmas, although I still have my clock out that plays Christmas tunes. More about that later. Possibly. But I feel inclined on this Sunday morning to share a piece of a letter written by Fra Giovanni in 1513 to a friend during the Christmas season. I found it originally in a book by Tasha Tudor, and it has since become something of a personal credo. Here it is.

I salute you.

There is nothing I can give you which you have not, but there is much that while I cannot give, you can take.

No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it today. Take heaven.

No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant. Take peace.

The gloom of the world is but a shadow Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. Take joy.

And so at this Christmastime, I greet you, with the prayer that for you now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.


Lisa B. said...

For a born fretter, that "Take joy" is a good reminder.


Anonymous said...

Ann, This is a WONDERFUL valentine wish as well! Don't you think?

I have actually been finding "joy" min many verses of scripture this past week - from a reminder that "joy cometh in the morning" to Isaiah's prophesy about finding "joy and gladness ... thanksgiving and the voice of melody" in the hands of the Lord.

And so that ends our Sunday School lesson for the day! =)

wjmom said...

Love to you and to the One who makes it possible to take joy and peace each day! Happy Valentine's Day!

candace said...

that is lovely. thanks for sharing!

Bob the Woodworker said...

This is so very lovely. It also provides insight into the inner Catholic of a.e.c.