Friday, May 4, 2018

Old Movies

Last night at work, one of the teenagers who helps us set up for events said that When Harry Met Sally is her favorite movie.  Then she sighed happily and said, "I just LOVE old movies."  And I was all, "Wait.  When Harry Met Sally is an old movie?!"  I feel like I just saw it in the theater with Ken Cannon and a big old tub of buttered popcorn for company.

Meanwhile, this young woman went on to talk about Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal the way I used to talk about Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.  And suddenly I had that moment (again) where I realized how relative time and age are.


1 comment:

CSIowa said...

My movie moment was when I realized my babysitter didn't know who Fred McMurray was. She couldn't believe the picture of Kurt Russell as the kid starring in Follow Me, Boys. She thought he was ancient 13 years ago.