Thursday, May 31, 2018

I'll Tell You What . . .

. . . is something the Coach always said.  It's something Johnny Cash always said in his live recordings, too, but that's not the point.

The point is that TKE has published a collection of my Tribune columns and the book is called I'll Tell You What . . . in honor of my dad.  We're doing a launch tonight at the bookstore, and I am looking forward to it because you never know.  This might be the last time I'll publish a book.  So I plan to put on my party hat and enjoy every last minute of the evening.

(The party hat, of course, is figurative.  But if it weren't, I'd go with that yellow headgear Amal Clooney wore to the Royal Wedding.)

That's the thing about being this age.  I don't take much for granted now.  My mobility.  A gorgeous morning.  Birds gossiping in the alley trees behind our house.  That watermelon-colored poppy that blooms spring after spring in my neighbor's yard.  A good night's sleep.



I'll tell you what.  I'm lucky.


Lisa B. said...

You are splendid, I'll tell you what.

Also, I am going to start laying money on the fact that this is NOT your last book. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't party like it's 1999, to quote another great person, to celebrate it. Because it's real good, my friend. Loving it hard. xoxo

Megan Goates said...

I’ll tell YOU what. I got a little teary driving home from TKE last night thinking about the gift that you and my writing people are in my life. I couldn’t have handpicked better kindred friends xoxo

Tom Plummer said...

I wish I could have come. This is not your last book. What are you talking about? This is not your last book. This is Louise writing. Tom has taken over my computer and I don't know how to get it back.