Thursday, January 9, 2014

Will there be laughs in Heaven?

Not that I need to worry about that . . .

HOWEVER.  Here's what I thought yesterday at the gas station whereat I shut my door with the keys in the ignition and the motor still running.  (Wow.  That sentence was a non-tasty mouthful, wasn't it?)
Anyway.  I wasn't worried because the door on my car won't lock in that situation, thus saving idiots like me from themselves.

This was not the case when I was growing up.  People locked their keys in the car with the motor running all the time.  And if a bunch of high school boys did it in the parking lot during the state championship playoffs, it was good for a lot of laughs.  It still is whenever I think about those guys.

It seems to me that most humor grows out of the chasm--the Grand Canyon, if you will-- that exists between the Real and the Ideal.  Like that time I got married, for instance, I wanted a perfect little head wreath made of charming baby's breath and sweetheart roses, only the florist got focused on that word "wreath" and instead fixed me up with something you'd hang on your front door during the holidays.  When my friend Donna saw me she said, "OMG. You look just like the ghost of Christmas past."

I know.  I've told that story before.  I'll tell it until I die, because it's funny, right?  But it wouldn't have been funny if the florist had made me the perfect thing.  See what I mean?

So if everything is perfect in Heaven--or anywhere else--where are the laughs?


radagast said...

When I used to try to believe in heaven and couldn't find a brochure on heaven that I could commit to, I would tell myself that it's not heaven unless it's heaven for ME, that I could do lots of add-ons and breakfast nooks and granite countertops. I see your heaven as being bursting with laughter. And gnomes. The latter leading to the former, obv.

James said...

I think comedy is a disruption of rhythm. We rhythmically get the tra la la la and then a switch to a boom-de-ay and someone's stealing your underwear, and its hilarious. I think Heaven will be a little like that...maybe no underwear stealing, but a change in rhythm with perfect timing, and perfect understanding, and perfect laughter.

Tiffany said...

Ha! That is a great story to tell over and over. I most definitely laughed out loud at the wreath image.

I'm thinking we will most definitely have laughter/humor in heaven, but maybe it will all be directed at those worlds and worlds of mortals? Certainly God must get a kick out of us on a continual basis.

Megan Goates said...

Like Tiffany said, my guess is that we'll be laughing our buns off about those crazy days in mortality. I will never tire of your wedding headpiece stories, Ann.

Bob the Woodworker said...

As one of the boys who left the car running with locked doors at the state basketball tournament in Salt Lake and as the one who got the privilege of seeing Ann's wedding head wreath closest up and most personal, I have no doubt that heaven will be filled with robust, raucous (though generally good-natured) laughter. Partly because I hope to be somewhere near Ann. I agree with radagast that Ann's heaven will be bursting with laughter (and also bursting with gnomes, some named Bobby). I also agree with Jim that laughter will be, or nearly will be, perfect.

Lisa B. said...

PLEASE tell me that there is a picture of you wearing that wreath in your wedding dress for the love of everything holy PLEASE.

Amy said...

you just ruined heaven for me. I suppose the silver lining here is that i can now curse and drink Dr. pepper without worrying what it will cost me in the eternities.