Friday, September 17, 2010


I spent the better part of the day involved with the funeral of a young woman in our neighborhood who died on Sunday. She was Tongan, and much of the service was conducted in that tongue. As the congregation sang in beautiful rough harmony, the music rolling over us all, pieces of my own girlhood came back to me. Surprisingly. I didn't expect that. But there I sat, remembering trips to Hawaii where the water and air were so blue they burned your eyes, and locals hated BYU football's team with a white hot passion. Still. They always treated my dad like he was one of their own.

All of it--the music, the memories of my own family when we were young, the thoughts of the young woman and her family--have made for a melancholy afternoon.


link2literacy said...

I so love Hawaii and the island peoples. There is something so inviting about them. They make paradise paradise.

And sometimes a melancholy afternoon is just what is needed. I relish those nostaligic moments in life.

Much hugs, Renae

DylanE said...

I'm sorry to hear about the Lauti girl (I presume). I do love the Hawaiian people, though, and the islands. I'll be there in just a few months!